Crystal Eagle Marketing Limited
Crystal Eagle Marketing Limited was set up on Tuesday the 26th of November 2013. Their current partial address is Cork, and the company status is Dissolved with the company closing on Wednesday the 24th of February 2016. The company's current directors have been the director of 0 other Irish companies between them.
Company Vitals
- Company Name:Crystal Eagle Marketing Limited
- Time in Business:2 Years
- Company Number:535854
- Current Status:DISSOLVED
- Principal Activity:[74.84] Other Business Activities N.E.C.
- May Trade As:Crystal Eagle Marketing Ltd
- Registered Address:2 Washington Street,
Cork City,
Co. Cork,Cork
T12 XW2Y
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Document | Pages | Effective | Received | Buy |
COMPANY CONSTITUTION | 7 | 26/11/2013 | 15/11/2013 | |
Migrated Certificate | 1 | 26/11/2013 | 15/11/2013 | |
A1 APPLICATION TO REGISTER AS A NEW COMPANY, | 5 | 26/11/2013 | 15/11/2013 |
Marie - 08/01/2014 - Bought From Company
from Grange“Young professional sold product very well and would buy again as it was for a good cause.,,
Patrick - 09/12/2015 - Supplied To Company
from Dublin“The most unprofessional company I have dealt with in Dublin,,
James O Leary in reply to Patrick - 29/04/2016 19:02
“CEM don't operate in Dublin, only in Cork.,,
Adam Kelly - 15/05/2014 - Bought From Company
from Wilton“Very professional representative called to me and explained very well the cause they represented.,,